I Read 6 Books on Marketing in 22 days, which was the result of responding to the book 'Deep Work' by Cal Newport. I realised that to get our music into the hands of potential fans, I had to learn everything I could about Marketing, SEO Optimisation, Promotion, Youtube and all kinds of Social Media. So I put Cal Newport's book to the test and adopted his Deep Work concept, and I have to say it works. Actually, it's just gone 31 days since I began the study, and I have now read 8 books. The two extras I have read are 'The Youtube Formula' by Derral Eves: which blew me away, I will be referencing that book regularly, and today I just finished 'Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook' by Gary Vaynerchuk, which gave me such an incredible insight into perfecting Social Media, by using their native language.